Friday, March 21, 2025

Give the gift of a Job every time you buy American Made Products

Buy products Made in the USA and give the gift of a Job to a fellow American

When you buy domestic made products you support our economy with 100% of your purchase. Don't wait for politicians to save our middle class, take your support directly to them with every purchase. American workers should not have to compete with workers in other parts of the world that work for wages that would not be legal in the United States. Yet we allow big business to import products made by near slave labor without tariffs and compete against the middle class workers in America. 

Stop the madness of destroying our middle class

Keep you money at home and buy American Made. We are trying to make it easier by publishing an American Made Products Directory. Our directory Americans Working is free to use, we don't sell anything we just connect you to companies supporting our domestic workforce.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Do you want to avoid paying tariffs? It's easy buy American Made

 Kill two birds with one stone, Buy products Made in the USA you don't pay tariffs and you keep another American employed

This makes so much sense we should even have to explain it but sadly we do. America is dependent on cheap goods from overseas which has also destroyed much of our middle class. Have you ever thought about why American Manufactures have to compete with Chinese factories? We have labor laws, we have minimum wages, we have rules and regulations that protect American workers. China has near slave labor, why the heck are American workers competing with Chinese workers? Oh that's right because big business loves free trade. So do most politicians on both sides of the aisle. So we regulate labor and protect workers, however we allow big business to exploit labor in other countries. Those same big business bring those products in the USA and sell them at American prices making enormous profit margins because they skipped the American middle class worker who oddly enough is that big businesses target market! Why do we continue to let them do this?

Tariffs will help bring about actual Fair Free Trade   

Stop letting American businesses bring in goods made by near slave labor and selling them here without paying for the damage they are doing to the middle class. I support Tariffs on these imported goods as long as that money goes to supporting the middle class. What that looks like I really don't know yet. With Tariffs in place American workers will have a chance! Start avoiding tariffs and creating jobs by buying tariff free American made products

Thursday, February 20, 2025

American Made Clothes


Clothing Made in the USA still exist

I have spent the last week reviewing the many listings on the American made directory category of clothes. I was shocked to see how many companies there are still manufacturing their items domestically. Not only that but how many practice sustainable and organic practices. 

American Producers focusing on Organic American Grown Cotton

We review our own site often to make sure companies listed are still doing business and are still made in the USA of course. This week during reviews I came across several clothing manufactures that not only make their clothes in the USA but only use organic American grown cotton. As an example take a look at this company SOS t-shirts that manufacture American Made t-shirts with organic cotton grown in the USA
This is not the only firm that you will find on the Clothing Made in the USA page of our directory. Please use our directory as a resource when you are trying to source domestic made items. Our site does not sell anything we just want to do our part in promoting American workers. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

American Made Products Update

If you have not visited in awhile you are in for a pleasant surprise. The American Made Directory of products has been re-designed and made easier than ever before to use. Additional features include leaving ratings for products made in the USA as well as leaving comments.

The site is growing like crazy as the demand for American made products is reaching new heights, however there is always room for growth.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

There is still time to be a job creator

Toys made in the USA

With just a few holiday shopping days left in 2015 there is still time to create jobs with your spending. Every time you choose American Made products you support jobs and taxes right here at home!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Think twice about that Shrimp tray for the Holidays.

beware of imported food

These children were being forced to work in a shrimp processing facility in Thailand. American super markets are selling the finished products not knowing where it really comes from. This is why we have laws and regulations so greedy people don't create this kind of human suffering. Please read the story yourself and make an informed decision before you pick up that next tray of shrimp and cocktail sauce. Here is the article

Check the label for American Made or produced.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Give the Gift of a Job for Christmas this year!

With every purchase you make you can create American jobs. Look for the American Made Label with every gift you buy and you will be creating more jobs than the Government (I know pretty low bar)

Start your search for job creating made in the USA products here.